Book Your 1 : 1 Sessions.... Now!

December 2016

At:- NISV Indoor Cricket Hall
Sunday Mornings Beginning: Jan 15th - March 20th
Times: Between 10.00am - 1.00pm (45 min. sessions)

A Comprehensive 1 : 1 Coaching Programme will be run in the Indoor Cricket Hall at NISV 
every Sunday morning starting on January 15th, (10.00am - 1.00pm).
Book the time which suits you best!

Individual Coaching will include a 45 minute session using the Bowling Machine and other
state of the art coaching aids and will be run by Newport Cricket Club's top cricket coaches.

£30 - per session
£140 - 5 sessions
£270 - 10 sessions


To Make a Booking:-

Contact Mike Knight at: